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如果這些公司懷疑有人利用他們的業務從事洗錢活動,它們必須向當局報告。 他們還必須協助確定他們認為涉及的人。 我們協助加密貨幣企業起草和實施「瞭解您的客戶 」(KYC) 做法、收集 ID 資訊並運行背景調查,以便如果懷疑有洗錢活動,可以將此做法傳遞給當局。


數位貨幣企業必須遵守馬恩島反洗錢法 – 向信譽良好的監管機構負責,帶來信譽。 我們的顧問和法律團隊都與加密貨幣業務密切合作,實施合規和公司治理流程和程式。

如果您需要與某人討論數位和加密貨幣,請邁出第一步。 您可以發送電子郵件至

[email protected]

01624 639350


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Reasons to use the MannBenham Group

Personal Service

Always professional, providing an exceptional level of service to our clients

Always professional, providing an exceptional level of service to our clients

Everything we do is backed by leading legal professionals and an extensive range of advisory and support services designed to meet our client requirements and exceed expectations

Always Professional

We believe being professional is about us giving our best at all times

We believe being professional is about us giving our best at all times

We remain professional at all times, treating everyone respectfully and with courtesy, listening and understanding our clients needs

Global Solutions

Manavia Limited, MannBenham Advocates and Advisory solutions are truly global

Manavia Limited, MannBenham Advocates and Advisory solutions are truly global

MannBenham Group’s global reach combines Isle of Man excellence with cross-jurisdictional expertise creating a complete integrated approach

Wealth of Experience

We pride ourselves on the wealth of our experience and knowledge

We pride ourselves on the wealth of our experience and knowledge

Our experience and expertise crosses both commercial and personal, delivering real solutions that satisfy our clients expectations

Contact us today to discuss your requirements

MannBenham Advocates | 49 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2LD | Email: [email protected] | Telephone: +44 (0)1624 639350