
Corporate Restructuring

Doing business in the Isle of Man

By |2020-01-22T22:08:58+00:00October 24th, 2016|Categories: Banking and Finance, Biomed, Business for the Self Employed, Cell Companies, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Opinions, Company Law, Compliance and Investigation, Corporate Governance, Directors’ Duties and the Law and Conduct of Meetings, Corporate Restructuring, Due Diligence Investigations, Employment Issues (Business), Employment Law for Business, Front Page Publication, Isle of Man Foundations, Joint Ventures and Shareholder Agreements, Leases (Business), Mergers and Acquisitions, Planning, Purpose Trusts, Sale and Purchase of Businesses, Technology, Technology, BioMed and Data, Timeshare, Trust Law, Trust Structures, Trusts, Foundations and Companies|

When moving forward with any business idea, forward planning and difficult decision making are needed at an early stage and good quality, expert legal advice is required at an early stage. The right advice will help you strategically and commercially and ensuring the right decisions are made at the start of a venture ensures that pitfalls [...]

Isle of Man Corporate Insolvency

By |2021-11-30T16:57:47+00:00October 24th, 2016|Categories: Banking and Investments, Beneficial Ownership, Cell Companies, Collective Investment Schemes and Funds, Commercial, Corporate and Finance, Company Law, Corporate and Trust Service Providers, Corporate Governance, Directors’ Duties and the Law and Conduct of Meetings, Corporate Restructuring, Credit Unions, Crowd‐Funding, Designated Business, Dispute Resolution, Financial Services and Private Equity, Front Page Publication, Insurance and Pensions (Retirement Benefit Schemes), Isle of Man Foundations, Joint Ventures and Shareholder Agreements, Mergers and Acquisitions, Purpose Trusts, Sale and Purchase of Businesses, Trust Law, Trust Structures, Trusts, Foundations and Companies|

I Insolvency Law, Policy & Procedure i Statutory Framework and Substantive Law Insolvency law on the Isle of Man is governed primarily by the following legislation: The Fraudulent Assignments Act 1736 Preferential Payments Act 1908 Preferential Payments and Other Acts (Financial Adjustments) Act 1973 Companies Act 1931-2004 Companies Act 2006 The primary legislation [...]

Isle of Man Foundations

By |2020-01-22T20:56:42+00:00October 24th, 2016|Categories: Cell Companies, Company Law, Corporate Governance, Directors’ Duties and the Law and Conduct of Meetings, Corporate Restructuring, Isle of Man Foundations, Joint Ventures and Shareholder Agreements, Mergers and Acquisitions, Purpose Trusts, Sale and Purchase of Businesses, Trust Law, Trust Structures, Trusts, Foundations and Companies|

What is a Foundation? A foundation is an incorporated legal entity, which whilst sharing some similar aspects with limited companies and trusts, has some distinguishing features. A foundation has a separate legal personality and as such is capable of holding assets for its objects, and is capable of suing and being sued and prosecuted. However, by [...]

Rectification of Trust Documents: all may not be lost.

By |2020-01-22T20:56:42+00:00October 24th, 2016|Categories: Cell Companies, Company Law, Corporate Governance, Directors’ Duties and the Law and Conduct of Meetings, Corporate Restructuring, Isle of Man Foundations, Joint Ventures and Shareholder Agreements, Mergers and Acquisitions, Purpose Trusts, Sale and Purchase of Businesses, Trust Law, Trust Structures, Trusts, Foundations and Companies, Wills, Estates, Trusts and Family Settlements|

Often, as a cost saving device, Advocates and legal advisors on request give corporate service providers and other clients a selection of precedents suitable for the establishment and management of trusts. A precedent is selected by the administrators which they imagine is required, names are added, some changes may be made to reflect particular needs, wishes [...]